Do you have fascinating industry insights, a brand new case study, or maybe a different take on an age-old technical problem?
The Advanced Materials Show is looking for you to join our team of speakers, panelists and moderators to help give relevant and interesting insights into the different industries related to advanced materials.
Within this year’s exhibition not only is there the possibility to further your knowledge of advanced materials but the show will also be co-locating with The Nanotechnology Show, as well as the prestigious conference series, MS&T.
Sessions will address challenges, opportunities, and innovations for the industry with lively panel discussions, educational presentations and interactive workshops covering targeted topics for each audience group, as well as universally important discussions to both end-users and advanced materials’ manufacturers.
If you, or someone you know, would light the stage up as a speaker, moderator or panellist – get in touch by Monday 28th February – we don’t permit product pitches so you can be sure you’re joining a constructive and inspiring programme.
Reasons to become a speaker:
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